Friday, January 24, 2014

My Bed

Pre-pregnancy, I would sleep in, but always get right out of bed and start my day. I couldn't stay home for too long, etc.

During my pregnancy, I sleep in, but can not get out of bed to start my day with all my might! I can barely move out of laziness and I lay around for an hour or so doing NOTHING, man! I can stay in bed all day if I want too. There are couple days a week I leave my bed only to go to the bathroom and kitchen. I'm in bed all day long then go to sleep all night long. If you know me, that is soooooo not me at all. I love to sleep, but I couldn't stay in bed or at home lethargically before I got pregnant. I'm shocked at myself and glad to be able to do so when I need.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I haven't even craved an alcoholic beverage. What's up with that?? lol

Friday, January 17, 2014

Green Juice

I always hated green juice so much. I wish I liked it! My husband loves juicing. He loves the taste, the healthy factor, trying to loose some weight, and drinking a meal which is quick, not heavy since he's not a breakfast person, and convenient for him [even though cleaning the veggies, making the juice, and cleaning the juicer all right there on the spot is time consuming in the morning]. I have to eat a big breakfast when I wake up or I get a headache; similar to some people who need coffee as soon as they wake up or they have a headache, hehe.

When I first got pregnant, my husband always made sure I drank green juice every morning. I did so for a bit for the sake of our baby during the first trimester. But remind you, I was also vomiting with morning sickness in the beginning. I absolutely hated drinking the friggin' green juice, but my husband made it for us so I did. I held my breathe and chugged it down.

BUT sometimes the green juice [yes the green juice] made me throw up so I stopped that! Now when I smell or think of green juice, I associate it with these "lovely" memories backed up with my natural dislike towards it. Now I hate green juice even more, lol.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kid Fashion

ADORABLE Instagrams:   and

Lauren Lunde (로렌) | Facebookstyle 4style 1

Monday, January 13, 2014

Naming your child is so much fun, lol! I love the name Colette so whenever I say her name and think of her, it's so nice, sweet, and fun. I love it. It's truly ... like... sweet music and love to my ears and heart. I'm in love with the name Colette and our daughter!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Free New Parent Classes

I was looking for something like this! YAY!

LINK I just went to the website and put in my location. I called them and signed up for all the classes!

I'm taking:
baby basics for 1 hour
nutrition and feeding for 1 hour
breastfeeding for 1 hour
infant cpr for 2 hours
first dr visit for 1 hour
daddy basics for 1 hour


Oh how I miss a good ol' sub sandwich only because I can't have it!!!!! Pregnant women are advised not to eat cold cuts. Having this right after I give birth: Turkey, Ham, and Munster Cheeeeese please with light mayo, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, oregano, green peppers, banana peppers, TOMATOES, NO lettuce, and a little bit of jalapenos. Am I missing anything? It's been so long since I've ordered one...................

Still no cravings. I don't think I'll get them?

Friday, January 3, 2014


I always knew the Stokke Xplory was the stroller I was getting from the moment I first laid eyes on it years ago. Thanks to my husband for allowing me to get it for Colette and BIG THANKS to Kayoung for getting it at a discounted price!!!! Retails at $1100. We were going for the new Urban Blue color, but ended up getting this Beige color instead.

Don't know if the parasol/umbrella we got will be of any real use.

We also got this Winter Kit. Is this any good???

Instead of getting the carry cot, we are thinking of getting car seat adapter since it's cheaper and only using when the baby is an infant. Any suggestions??

Thursday, January 2, 2014


My husband's brother and my sister in law are 2 months pregnant behind us!! Both of our first! How great for TWO new Doh babies in 2014!? And the cousins are so close in age! CONGRATS KEDs <3
Inline image 2
When I'm laying in bed, my husband and I can feel Coco move! But baby Coco why do you give mommy a headache every morning? :/

It still feels surreal that I'm pregnant. I don't know why I think that. I don't fully believe that I am pregnant yet. I still can't believe I .. ME... I am pregnant, lol.