Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm officially crazy. At the start of 7 months, I'm loony.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Hormones, man.

I was emotional during my 1st trimester where I could cry easily.

I was great during my 2nd trimester.

Now in my last trimester, I not only cry easily for sad and happy reasons [when I get random compliments from strangers, I'm saying thank you and trying to hold back tears bcos I feel so complimented, lol!], but I also loose my cool very easily. Usually when I get upset or mad, I would seriously be able to get over in less than 7 minutes 90% of the time [serious :]. Now it takes me an hour or two to get over things!! :/ It's tiring not to be able to let things go easier and faster.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Traditional Korean Outfits

Colette saids, "Thank you Grandpa and Grandma!" This is a Korean Hanbok. The pink one is for Colette's 1st birthday, aka dol, which can be quite a production of a party and celebration in the Korean tradition. I'm already debating if we should do something small or just go all out and hire a planner. I'm leaning towards a very low key party with family and friends. The yellow top and red skirt is for Colette's 100 Day Celebration from her birth, aka baek il. Back in the days in Korea, not all babies always made it to their 100th day. How sad! So the tradition is tp celebrate the baby surviving 100 days. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Baby Bump

When I first got a baby bump, I was proud of it. I was excited to wear fitted tops to show it off. That lasted for like a week or so.

I started hearing how big I was. And I know I'm not a big pregnant person, but it got to me more in a negative way. I didn't want to show off my belly bump anymore. Without realizing at first, I would wear loose tops so that it wouldn't bring attention to the bump. It's very silly.

I'm wondering what my real hesitations and insecurities are about it. I feel like it's something deeper and my worries are not about the weight issue, but on how I feel and am scared about the future with my friends and their understanding of pregnancy and motherhood. I feel like the baby bump incident is a glimpse to how I may feel in certain situations in the future. I am aware that I complain about experiencing things first and alone.
Or does my baby bump make me feel very distant from my friends? Am I trying to hide my baby bump because what it symbolizes to me inside my crazy mind? I'm beyond excited for children, but also know that it's a HUGE change and it is VERY different from my friends. Not a bad thing at all, just very different. I will be going through recovery and the struggles first and alone, and my friends won't know how it feels just yet. I think I'm scared about not having my friends be able to understand that? And then feeling alone?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Paper Dresses - Mommy and Daughter

How adorable is this girl and her mother!? They make dresses out of paper. I wish I was talented enough to even dream up something like this!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I feel Colette in two different spots inside my belly. She has grown. :]

Friday, March 14, 2014

Colette's Baby Jordans

Thanks to Coco's uncles, she has two pairs of Baby Jordans. Colette is super girly, but she can definitely rock these! Coco suggested herself that she wears white dresses with them. ;]

Thursday, March 13, 2014

When Colette kicks, it feels like someone kicking you in water. You feel pressure very similar to that.

It feels like someone is playing drums sometimes too, lol.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Zigozago Bibs at Barneys

How adorable are they?
Have half of these already and hoping to get the rest! ;]

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Convos with Colette today:

Mommy was feeling exhausted and lazy so I fed both of us a later lunch. As I'm feeding Colette, she bangs me and saids "about time!". How rude :P

I have this bag I got from Korea when I was younger made out of buttons. It's a funky, juvenile bag. Coco asked me today if she could have this button bag of mine in middle school. I said "Sure!", but advised her that she shouldn't use that bag in High School. I said no no with my fingers. Coco's daddy gets in the convo with worry,"Oh that's between you two."

Colette keeps asking for more sweet juice and ice tea. I am limiting her to one ....or two full cups a day! Hmph! Don't get a sugar problem like Mommy!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sometimes when I'm watching a show, for example, I think about how I would feel if I was their mother. lol.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Baby Shower Dress

I do want to wear white, bright yellow, or cobalt blue. I do want it tight fitting so it shows my bump. I do want sleeves.

Hope I can find a dress like these:

During my last trimester...

I am EXHAUSTED. I wake up exhausted after a full night of sleep. I'm still tired all day long. It's challenging for me to focus from bed. :/

The baby is moving around and kicking like crazy! ;D

I have to go to the bathroom so often! :/

Belly getting bigger and feels more full! Starting to get uncomfortable. But I shouldn't complain about this too much yet if I compare with others in their 3rd trimester.

Personality is more sensitive and hormonal.

And hello... thinking more about labor. Oh geez, lol.