Here's a funny blog post I wanted to reblog. Funny, hehehe.
Oh Those Mother-In-Law's
We all love our Mother-in-law's right? Ok, maybe there are a few of you that are not best friends with your mother-in-law, but you are not alone. The asked its readers to share their bad mother-in-law moments. Many had a lot to say, so I had to share them with you!
“Right after I had my daughter via c-section, my mother-in-law was waiting in the recovery room for me. She stood over me and kept telling me how low my blood pressure was. I was kind of in shock after the procedure and just wanted to see my baby. Like I really needed to be more worried after a major surgery!” -- soccermama
“She tried to compare her sons to my son: ‘All my kids drank their bottles so fast,’ or ‘My kids burped once and never spit up.’” -- starfish76
“When I was six months pregnant and on, my mother-in-law kept saying, ‘Wow! You’ve exploded!’ to me once a week.” -- jpa99
“One time during a two-hour car ride, the baby cried most of the time. Fifteen minutes into my daughter’s crying, my mother-in-law started to take her out of the car seat while we were on a busy highway! She told my baby, ‘I know your mom isn't going to like this, but I'm going to hold you.’ I know car seats weren't always a law, but they are now and for a very good reason!” -- dee_0
“She would hover over me while I was changing my son’s diaper, and every time he cried, she would say ‘He’s constipated,’ or ‘He’s hot.’” -- lala
“She stayed in the delivery room after I told her a billion times that she was making me feel uncomfortable. Then she stayed in my room when I was breastfeeding for the first time -- she stood directly over me! It still makes me mad to think about it.” -- tfs55
“My mother-in-law pretended she was pregnant and due the same day as me.” -- daisyk
“When my son was positioned up in my ribs while I was pregnant, I gently pushed my stomach so he would move. She flipped out and told me to not push on her grandson. I had to leave the room I was so mad!” -- beetee
“When we found out I was pregnant, my husband called his parents excitedly. All my mother-in-law could say was that he shouldn't get excited because she herself had a few miscarriages.” -- mm9
“She nicknamed my son ‘Ducky’ while he was in utero, which I hated. Then she told everyone that it was what I called him and tricked my sister-in-law into using it as a shower theme!” -- by_u
“The day I came home from the hospital in the spring, my mother-in-law walked up to me, shook my belly and said, ‘Now you just need to get rid of this by summer.’” -- gigit