All of this is only possible through the power of prayer. We prayed truly believing. We prayed years before. Thanks to the power of prayer and thanks so much to God for all these amazing gifts. He continues to answers prayers and watch over us all!
We didn't need to get induced! We had a healthy, safe labor.
My contractions were very bare-able. The pain was not excruciating. Dilating cms up to 9 cms was very quick.
But I was stuck at 9cm for a very long time though [HOURS] and pushing, for me, was very painful.
Overall, labor was not that difficult. I was ready to do it again even though it was one of the craziest things I've ever done. And the next morning in the bathroom, I thought "WOW", but that it was all worth it!
I had a couple hemorrhoids. This was possibly more painful than labor for me, lol. I've never had hems and had no clue how annoying in the least they are. It hurt to cough. When I went to bend down, I couldnt spread my butt cheeks. I got better after a week.
My figure actually went back to normal with a flat stomach in 2 weeks. Am I happy and proud of this? - Of course!
This will not happen with the next pregnancies. I will get bigger quicker and stay that way longer.
Baby, you, give me energy. When I wake up, I wake up with a purpose and not being cranky and horrible.
After a few tries, you latched right on at the hospital. You know how to latch on every since. You're not lip or tongue tied either.
I did have a breakdown though, and bounced back. ;]
I did have a breakdown though, and bounced back. ;]
As a newborn, you sleep a lot! You are a heavy sleeper that sleeps through bright lights and very loud noises. At 2 weeks, baby lets mommy and daddy sleep through the night! We just wake her up every 3 hours to feed. She doesnt cry [bcos she's passed out], drinks her milk, and goes right back to sleep.
You had your times of being fussy of course!
You burp and poo like a champ! You love getting burped and have huge burps! They are very loud, big, and very often. We are glad you don't hold it in and are not that gassy.
But you can't stand the slightest poo or pee in your diaper and cry "bloody murder" to get changed ASAP. Sometimes you will pee or poo again RIGHT after we changed you; literally like a few minutes after. We go through an above average amount of diapers - kind of wasteful, baby!
So far, you don't cry that much.
You don't mind us washing your face. What a good baby!
When we sway you side to side, you bop/move your head side to side too. We sike you out by stopping, and you still move your head to the side. Haha!
You are very expressive. Your facial expression are so intense. We love you rainbow eyes smile.
Your voice was the cutest thing I've ever heard. I heard your voice when you came out of my womb and I fell in love. You make a lot of very cute noises all the time. I think you will be a good singer from both grandpas sides of the families, hehe.
I also love your long body, long fingers, and long feet. Hopefully you will be tall. And you already have beautiful hands. Maybe you will play instruments very well?
Happy ONE Month, Baby!
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