Saturday, April 14, 2012

Learned something effin new!! :P

Oh my I just found something out today that I didnt know this whole entire time... or my whole entire life at that! I thought the day a woman ovulates a month, it is still only like a.... very low... let's say 20% chance that they will get pregnant when they have intercourse on the right day. So I thought even if we know the day I am ovulating and have intercourse when I am ovulating, that is still only a "20%" chance we will get pregnant. So I thought even if a couple has intercourse on her ovulation day 6 or heck even 24 months in a row that that doesn't matter because it depends on whether the "two things that need to meet" would actually make a baby. I know "the two things that need to meet" do meet often and a lot, but I thought the possibility of one of those 1000s meeting is super duper difficult. That's why I was *even more, so scared and thought that it might take a year or two to get pregnant not because we don't know the day/s I ovulate every month. Whew! I am way more positive... and happy about this fact!! LOLL

If you dont know what I just said, ask me and I will tell you alllllll about it with a hugge smile. lol

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