Saturday, July 7, 2012

Personal - 7.7.2010

You are my true best friend for life. You.....

know me best; mostly better than I do
dude you let me do 90% of whatever I want, and love that you don't the other 10%, lol
you believe in the "good" in me that I have left
you raise me up when something good happens in my life
I don't worry that you would view me in a bad light in any circumstance esp when I make big (and often) mistakes
you let me make my own mistakes to learn from bcos you know I wont listen (I'm the bad one)
I can tell you all my secrets without having any doubts or fears
I know you won't judge me
you share in all my happiness as well as sadness
you don't make me feel that I ever owe you anything when I want to treat you or that I need to pay you back with deeds (I could never match up to you anyways and we both know it. :)
you are always there to listen to me over and over about the same or different things when it happens to me
I don't ever worry that you will betray me
you let me be (crazy!!!!!) me without making me feel bad or worried
you don't hold it against me (most lol) when I go crazy on you
(duh im craJiii :)

I hold nothing back with you; and I'm sorry it hurts you (too brutally honest or just flat out mean) at times but I don't lie to you (just wait to tell you about shopping, but I make an effort not to lie :).

You are the best friend I've searched for and was depressed of not having all my life. You do all this for me as a friend, and then you're a loving husband on top of it allllll!  You are making all of my dreams come true one by one. No joke. I love that I can utterly trust you as my best friend for life. I feel secure, at peace, and excited with you. The years really have only gotten better. Happy 2 years of being married, my love!

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