Monday, April 28, 2014

My friends

My friends are cute. 90% of them are, like, not ready for me to have this baby, lol. They don't know what to expect, do, or say, hahaha. I reassured my friends that when my water breaks with my first, I'll have hours before going to the hospital, etc. etc. A lot of them don't know when the baby will be here after my water breaks, when to visit, how to hold a newborn, etc. and that's ok!

I initially sent this to my 2 BFFS, but then other friends were stumped so I ended up sharing this with several friends and younger cousins:

‎-When my water breaks, I'll let you know. (some people don't know their water breaks and just get contractions)
-Then it'll be average of 4-8 hours until I go to hospital. (for the first pregnancy. 2nd+ usually go quicker.)
-I can push anywhere from "15mins- 15 hours". Lol. ‎(baby is born!)
-We stay at hospital 2 days after giving birth. (4 days if I end up getting a c-section last minute, but dont worry about this)

‎From the time water breaks, baby will be out before 24 hours. That's what they do in US. (for ex, in London, they wait up to 48 hours)
So if my water breaks on "Saturday", you can just plan on visiting "Sunday" next day~ Something like that :)

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